Holocaust Survivors’ Foundation USA Statement on Amsterdam Attacks on Israeli Soccer Fans

As Holocaust survivors and descendants of survivors, we are profoundly saddened and angered by the despicable attacks against Israeli soccer fans in Amsterdam. We are appalled by media reports that the Dutch authorities knew about plans to attack Israelis yet failed to provide protection and that they have released most of the perpetrators from custody. To those of us who survived the Holocaust, these attacks are very real and fresh and excruciatingly painful. This must be a wake-up call to humanity, and we are grateful to King Willem-Alexander for “unequivocally condemning” the attacks and demanding immediate action to protect Israelis and Jews in the Netherlands.

We know first-hand that excuses and inaction in the face of antisemitic violence is a formula for sinister, and we demand that the Dutch and other European governments and institutions ensure the safety of Jews and Israelis. The fact that these horrific attacks occurred on the eve of Kristallnacht is more than symbolically important. These vicious crimes of antisemitic violence are inexcusable and require decisive preventive action as well as punishment.

Link to PDF of this statement


Holocaust Survivors Foundation USA Letter to University of Minnesota