Supreme Court unanimously sides with Holocaust survivor heirs in multigenerational dispute over looted artwork
Some good news from the Supreme Court.
The high court has ruled, in a unanimous 9-0 decision, to return to a lower court a case involving a priceless artwork that was expropriated from a Jewish family by the Nazis.
A new article in describes the Cassirer case as follows,
The question before the Court pertained to legal rules determining whether federal or state “choice-of-law” standards for adjudicating the case should be applied in deciding possession of the artwork, estimated to be worth more than $30 million. These rules determine whether the case would be adjudicated under domestic or Spanish law.
"Supreme Court unanimously sides with Jewish family in Nazi looted art case" by Mark Rod April 26, 2022
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Justice Kagan wrote in the unanimous US Supreme Court opinion “A foreign state or instrumentality… is liable just as a private party would be.”
“Everywhere, people, governments, and private institutions have looked the other way to profit from the Nazis’ genocidal thefts from the Jewish people — just like Spain and the Museum in this case. Heaven-willing, today’s Court’s decision will not only result in the Cassirers finally recovering their painting, but bring an end to the lies and obfuscations that have been used to deny justice to untold numbers of other Holocaust survivors and their families.”
Sam Dubbin, quoted in "Supreme Court unanimously sides with Jewish family in Nazi looted art case" by Mark Rod April 26, 2022
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